Paintings Reproductions Holy Trinity, 1411 by Andrey Rublyov (St Andrei Rublev) (1360-1428, Russia) |

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"Holy Trinity"

Andrey Rublyov (St Andrei Rublev) - Tempera (i) - 142 x 114 cm - 1411 - (State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow, Russia)) (i)
There is not much known about Andrey Rublyov or his work as only two paintings have been attributed to him with certainty, the Holy Trinity is one of them. The painting illustrates the Biblical story of Abraham and three angles who visited him. The painting is also called The Hospitality of Abraham but he is not depicted here, nor is Sarah but only the three angels. There are three other references to the story – house (supposedly Abraham's house), a tree (the Oak of Mamre), and a mountain (Mount Moriah). The left angel symbolises God the Father, he blesses the cup but his hand is painted at a distance, above him is the house representing the place of eternal salvation, the middle angle symbolises Jesus, he is clad in a blue cloak, which is the traditional clothing attributes to Jesus in Russia. Above him is the tree that symbolises the Tree of Life and remembrance that Jesus died on a wooden cross. The last angel symbolises The Holy Spirit and above is the mountain, a symbol of spiritual ascent. This painting has been considered the ideal representation of god without god being explicitly represented.


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